Understanding your inoculant needs
Dec 10, 2020

One important tool for maximum pulse crop production that tends to get taken for granted in recent years is inoculant selection. Why switch from what you’ve been doing before? When it is easier to handle, has better bacteria (resulting in better N-fixation), additional growth regulation and nutrient uptake, or is simply a better value for you! Your Pro Co-op agronomy staff have been testing new granular inoculants, and we will be offering two new brands this year along with the proven Nodulator® Sterile Peat inoculant you are familiar with. Click Here to see enlarged graph comparison.
LalFix Start Spherical Granular by Lallemand has two advantages over standard granular inoculant! The unique spherical granule is built in a manufacturing process that creates a more consistent shape that has no dust, improves bacteria survival and flows in equipment better than other granular inoculants. LalFix Start also contains both the rhizobia bacteria and a strain of Bacillus velezensis that solubilizes organic phosphorus to improve phosphorus availability in the root zone. In testing MSU conducted at Sidney and Moccasin, the LalFix Start increased pea yield over the untreated significantly more than Tag Team.
Primo GX2 by Verdesian is the other new inoculant brand we will carry this year. Granular Primo GX2 is built with the rhizobia species for chickpeas as well as peas and lentils combined on each granule. Only having to use one inoculant for all the pulse crop species will make switching crops much simpler! Granular and liquid Primo GX2 inoculants all contain the nitrogen fixing rhizobia bacteria as well as Azospirillium brasilense, a biological growth promoter that works to create a larger root mass by increasing the number of primary and secondary roots.