Big Skies, Big Hearts
Being generous with our time and money is something we take seriously at PRO Co-op. You’ll find our employees working in every community we serve, volunteering as coaches, committee members, fire fighters and EMTs.
We give money to projects that make life better for everyone here in northeastern Montana, including the swimming pool and movie theatre in Scobey, as well as the new pool in Glasgow. We often receive matching grants for these gifts from our cooperative partners at Land O’Lakes and CHS. And we’re always willing to listen to funding requests from our communities; if there’s one you’d like to talk about, please contact Tanner Trower in Scobey.
Our spring pancake breakfast, and our cooperative’s annual meeting in the fall, are opportunities for friends, neighbors and customers from the community to enjoy a little time together.

Pro Co-op Scholarships
Four (4) $500 scholarships will be offered to graduating high school seniors from our trade area. To be eligible, student must be a senior planning to attend either a two year or four-year post-secondary institution. An agriculture career is preferred but not necessary.
The recipients will receive a check upon receipt of proof of registration for the 2nd semester or 3rd quarter of school in the year following high school graduation.
Plan for 2023 Scholarships
While the May 15, 2022 deadline has passed for this year, start thinking about our 2023 scholarships. An application should include a high school transcript, extra-curricular activities, community involvement, college to be attended, career aspirations, and a short essay detailing how agriculture has affected his or her life.