Spring 2021 Agronomy Update
Mar 08, 2021

Good morning everyone! Spring is getting closer. I heard from a reliable source that when March “rolls in like a Lamb”, it “rolls out like a Lion” with perfectly timed moisture???
You will see more communications via your Pro Coop (ProInsider) web log-in and phone app going forward. We are working 1 by 1 to set up every grower interested so if you haven’t been contacted yet, please reach out. This takes time to make sure your account info rolls in smoothly, your field boundaries show up, and all the functionality is there. We want to do this right so it’s easy to use and refer to. Once logged in, there is a great user guide that explains lots of the details of both versions of ProInsider (web and app).
But before this ramps up, I wanted to reach out again the “old-fashioned way” with this note (and a 4 minute video as well – click the picture).

Video Summary: You have many Ag Supplier options and we know it. We want to be your First and Preferred call.
Look for the following info to appear on ProInsider very soon:
Luke Dighans
Agronomy Manager
You will see more communications via your Pro Coop (ProInsider) web log-in and phone app going forward. We are working 1 by 1 to set up every grower interested so if you haven’t been contacted yet, please reach out. This takes time to make sure your account info rolls in smoothly, your field boundaries show up, and all the functionality is there. We want to do this right so it’s easy to use and refer to. Once logged in, there is a great user guide that explains lots of the details of both versions of ProInsider (web and app).
But before this ramps up, I wanted to reach out again the “old-fashioned way” with this note (and a 4 minute video as well – click the picture).

Video Summary: You have many Ag Supplier options and we know it. We want to be your First and Preferred call.
- Agronomy (the whole system, not just fertilizer and chemical sales) and Economics first
- One of Largest Independent Co-ops in the State with a local board and control
- Dividend System – Unique stock cap situation always puts maximum dollars back in your pocket
- Financially strong at the local level – reliance on success of other co-op’s isn’t as crucial
- Infrastructure, Storage, Supply, Rolling Stock
- Large, advanced fertilizer plants with heavy investment in rolling stock keeps fertilizer supply stable even in unstable times (NOW)
- Choice of Brands – Generic and Branded – Not held to 1 specific Company’s products
- Plots and Field Trials in your backyard – Testing the products and strategies we recommend in our environment
Look for the following info to appear on ProInsider very soon:
- New chemical and fertilizer products and strategies
- Seed Treatment Options
- What to look for in 2021
- Ergot – Effects on 2020 crop and what to do going forward
- Orange Wheat Blossom Midge – 2020 effects
- Canola Insects at Flowering
- “So I Sprayed 10 gal of Water – Why Didn’t My Chemical Work??” Video by Tom Wolf with Sprayers101.com
- Tissue Test Trends from 2020 and how to use those for 2021
- Pulse Crop Root Rots – Aphanomyces is here and your rotations need to adjust because of it!
- Potassium’s Role in Drought Tolerance
- Realistic expectations for Kochia control (Comparing weed size with rate and load of active ingredient)
- More
Luke Dighans
Agronomy Manager